Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Gospel of Grace - nothing else

A relative of mine recently told me that he met a "prophet" of God, who prophesied all kinds of negative visions in the relative's life. I'll call the relative "John Doe" for anonymity. So, John told me all the things this "prophet" told him, and that the "pastor" wants the family to go to his church so that he can pray over the family. humm...Once John finished narrating his traumatic experience, I told him with a cool head what my mom had told me : Rebuke it in the name of Jesus, declare what you want, and pray about it.

Then, I had us read the passage our Pastor had us read in church last Sunday : Galatian 1: 6-10. As a summary: If anyone preaches a Gospel that is not a Gospel of Grace, the person is perverting the message of Christ. Instead of focusing on fear and your challenges, focus on your GOd. Instead of saying "oh, i'm cursed, my job is bad luck, I'm not enough" declare " In the name of Jesus, I am an overcomer, my family is blessed by God with the blessing from God that is followed with no trouble, I am covered by the blood of Jesus, and I am invisible in the eyes of the enemy." That's what a good pastor would have done. Encouraged John to declare what he wants, to pray about that situation with him there and there, to bless him, and ask for God's grace on John's life -- because God's Grace is sufficient.

The story John told me would have made me tremble 2 years ago, when I didn't have the knowledge, didn't meditate, and didn't declare the word of God. It is sad that people are fooled, crooked, and disillusioned by "pastors" and "prophets" who take them away from the goood good good news that is the Gospel of Grace, through in Jesus Christ, simply because people don't take their own time to study the bible, meditate on it, and declare its word. No one can do that for you. no one can read the bible for you. Stay focused. Any distraction, brush it off. Stay focused.

Like with most things in life, with Christianity, ignorance will only make you a malleable puppet in the hands of hypocrites and interest-hungry people. Know who you follow. Know what you know.

Find a bible-based church and guard your heart.

#Gospel #Hebrews4.12 #SharperThanATwoEdgedSword

Perversion of the Gospel

I am astonished and extremely irritated that you are so quickly shifting your allegiance and deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different [even contrary] gospel; 
which is really not another [gospel]; but there are [obviously] [a] some [people masquerading as teachers] who are disturbing and confusing you [with a misleading, counterfeit teaching] and want to distort the gospel of Christ [twisting it into something which it absolutely is not]. 
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we [originally] preached to you, let him be condemned to destruction! 
As we have said before, so I now say again, if anyone is preaching to you a gospel different from that which you received [from us], let him be condemned to destruction!
10 Am I now [b] trying to win the favor and approval of men, or of God? Or am I seeking to please someone? If I were still trying to be popular with men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.
 - Galatians 1:6-10Amplified Bible (AMP) 


  1. Galatians 1:7 These people are often called “Judaizers;” they were Jews professing to be believers, who taught that Gentile Christians had to conform to certain OT laws and rituals (especially circumcision) in order to be saved. They denied the saving power of God’s grace alone and also sought to discredit Paul’s apostleship and undermine his ministry. Some scholars question the validity of some or all of the Judaizers’ true faith in Christ and His message of salvation.
  2. Galatians 1:10 Paul’s question indicates that his opponents were accusing him of preaching only to gain a following.


Un seul message

6 Je m'étonne de la rapidité avec laquelle vous abandonnez celui qui vous a appelés par la grâce du Christ, pour vous tourner vers un autre message[a].

7 Comme s'il pouvait y avoir un autre message! Non, il n'en existe pas d'autre, mais il y a des gens qui sèment le trouble parmi vous et qui veulent renverser le message du Christ.

8 Eh bien, si quelqu'un --- même nous, même un ange du ciel --- vous annonçait un message différent de celui que nous vous avons annoncé, qu'il soit maudit[b]!

9 Je l'ai déjà dit et je le répète maintenant: si quelqu'un vous prêche un autre message que celui que vous avez reçu, qu'il soit maudit!

10 Qu'en pensez-vous maintenant? Est-ce la faveur des hommes que je recherche ou celle de Dieu? Mon désir est-il de plaire aux hommes? Si je cherchais encore à plaire aux hommes, je ne serais pas serviteur du Christ.

Galates 1:6-10 La Bible du Semeur (BDS)


  1. Galates 1:6 Ceux qui prêchaient cet «autre message» exigeaient, en plus de la foi en Christ, le respect de la Loi juive (circoncision, obéissance aux commandements, moraux et rituels, séparation d'avec les non-Juifs).
  2. Galates 1:8 Litt. anathème. Dans la communauté juive, celui qui était anathème n'avait plus le droit d'enseigner. Ce qui était anathème ne devait plus être touché par personne. Ceux que l'apôtre déclare anathèmes sont donc livrés à la colère de Dieu et à son jugement (voir 1 Co 16.22; Rm 9.3 où le même mot apparaît).


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