Saturday, October 22, 2016

Understanding Responsibility and taking action

The moment I realized that for two years of my life I will remove the excrement from the behind of a human being; that every single day my nostrils would be bombarded by the pungent (and sometimes nauseating) stink of a human being's poop, but I'll still need to clean that "caca-mbete", whether I like it or not, whether I feel like it or not, whether I want it or not, it doesn't matter, I have to do it... that's when I comprehended better what #Responsibility fully means. Responsibility is not optional. It's not based on our emotions - what we feel like, what we want, what we don't want. Responsibility does not care if you are too tired, hungry, poor, exhausted, feeling hurt, not in the mood... Responsibility is a moral obligation to perform according to our role/position/circumstance because if we fail at that duty we are to face consequences and to be held accountable for failure, and if we succeed, we get the credit for it. 

Image Source: Alligator Sunglasses 
** Our leaders AND business companies need a lesson or 2 on #TakingResponsibility. Too often they try to find a scapegoat, or play the politics of the ostrich (shying away from problems) or, they make up excuses to explain the unexplainable, rather than accept their fault/shortcomings/failures in order to help victims of their irresponsibility to start healing. In this #InformationAge, Era of photos and videos going viral in less than an hour, any #leadership that falls short of being proactive, transparent and responsible is antiquated, and we don't need it.

Yesterday, #BlackFriday in Cameroon, too many people died because of a clear result of bad-governance, band-aid development, lack of alternatives in times of crisis, greed, incompetence, mediocrity... Yesterday, October 21 2016, Cameroon understood that it's not so much the train accident in Eseka that hurt people, it's the realization that mediocrity kills, incompetence kills, and greed kills. Too many people died and the survivors lived through probably the most traumatic scenes of their lives (my friend Fahfah survived with pains in the ribs, but she witnessed her seatmate's leg cut out, and her other seat mate's baby get crushed... Imagine that! Imagine that scene!). 

To me, in order to honor the 150+ deaths, in our little way, we need to need to kill our apathy and fear of the political field. We cannot keep living as if we are in a normal functioning country. We need to get involved in the #governance of our country. We need to mobilize massively to 1st register to vote in January 2017, then massively vote  in 2018 for municipal, Legislative, and Presidential candidates who will take #Responsibility for the growth, challenges, failures and prosperity of our nation.

I deeply believe that if we use our bright minds and the sheer mass of youth that we are (70%), our voices can count. Our voices WILL COUNT. It's time to back up our online frustrations and rants with offline actions. We shall arise from this wiser and stronger! The Cameroon we dream of is possible in our generation, let's just work harder to make it a reality!

#ForTheLoveOfOurCountry #Eseka #Team237 #camrailnews #EnoughIsEnough #EveryoneCounts #StrongerTogether #letsActOffline #GrassrootsAction #237Vote #Cameroon #Cameroun #LandOfGlory 

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