Sunday, May 22, 2016

+ Reflections on Life as a NewMom [Part 7 of 10] African generosity. It takes a village (5 months postpartum)

This is not just any water bottle, it is that last water bottle from our stock of gifts we received for baby Josh's coming to the world. Can you imagine: we spent Five months without buying a single bottle of water. Not only was the water meant for baby, but also for Charlie, guests, and myself to drink. I won't even mention the soap supply we have, we can go for 2 years without ever buying soap or detergent. Or the fact that we spent 3 months eating chicken (that were offered to us - whole live chicken) every other day. lol. Seriously though, That's African hospitality for you. 

In African culture, when a mamma gives birth, society feels responsible to help her out with something (as little as it may seem to be) that would help her (plus the dad) and her new family. I remember, I was so touched when the carpenter (who occasionally works in the house) heard that I had given birth, and came over to offer 6 blocks of soap. Or the guard in the office, who never saw the baby, but insisted on sending the baby's soap. The woman of the call-box sending a pack of water, and many more of such examples, of people who might not have so much financially, but have the urge to give. Those actions, those acts of random kindness will always be marked in my heart. And I won't even count all the flood of things from everywhere else. 

5 months later, as we finish this last bottle of water, I sat back and thanked God for some of these cultural benefits when one becomes a momma in Africa. I'm so thankful for every single drop of water we received . It has gone a looong way, literally.

 #CountingMyBlessings #EntitledToNothing #ThankfulForEachBlessing #GratefulHeart #Gratitude #HumansAreAmazing #PayingItForward #ActsOfRandomKindness #ILoveHumanity #Motherhood #Africa #Africanculture #5monthspostpartum #MommyMusings #friends #family #Cameroon #Team237

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